East Timor

Weather in East Timor

Weather of East TimorEast Timor or Timor-Leste is located at the southeastern part of Asia. It also includes the eastern part of the island of Timor and the nearest islands of Atauro, Jaco and Oecussi-Ambeno which are situated in West Timor. As the country is located in 08° 35' S and 125° 35' E, its position tells us a lot about the East Timor’s weather.

If we look at the vegetation and land form of East Timor, we can understand how the climate as well as temperature affects the country. Basically, the land is mountainous and there are some rivers in the country which show that East Timor receives adequate rainfall every year.

We can find tropical climate throughout the year as East Timor is very close to Equator. The average temperature of East Timor is 30° to 34°C. Its highest recorded temperature is around 35°C whereas the lowest is 20°C. October, November and December are the hottest months in East Timor. These burning hot months are followed by a heavy rainfall from the month of December.

The weather of East Timor during the dry season is very pleasant. The months from May to November encompass the dry season. There is no rainfall during this time in the north coast of the island of East Timor. As a result, there is no vegetation in the northern coast in this season. But the southern coast and the central mountains of East Timor experience occasional showers during this season.

The best time to go to East Timor is between May and December because when the dry season ends, the weather becomes filthy. The months from December to April have the rainy season. During the rainy season rivers become almost difficult to cross and roads become impassable. Some areas also experience rapid floods in this season. So, it is best to avoid travelling to East Timor during monsoon.

The southern part of East Timor is full of mountains which are covered with Eucalyptus and Acacia forests. It is striking that the weather of East Timor is just opposite to the Northern Hemisphere. The mountainous regions of Timor-Leste experience hot conditions during the day whereas the nights are cooler.

East Timor or Timor-Leste is slowly getting the attention of the tourists from all over the world and to enjoy a best tour, they must bear in mind the weather of East Timor.


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